Colors in Japan
Historically, Japanese had different color perceptions. They made no clear distinction between blue and green, and the tendency to call green things blue persists in a number of cases today, such as that stoplights are said to turn blue, not green. Japanese children drawing the sun in red colors and the proverb: "the shoemaker's children go barefoot" in Japanese will sound like "the dyer wears white" 紺屋の白袴 [ こうやのしろばかま ].
The word color in Japanese is iro (いろ).
The four oldest colors of Japan (mentioned in its' history) are:
aka | (あか) | red |
kuro | (くろ) | black |
shiro | (しろ) | white |
ao | (あお) | blue |
Only these four colors can be prefixed with ma (ま), meaning "pure", "genuine", to give us:
makka | (まっあか) | bright red |
makkuro | (まっくろ) | pitch black |
masshiro | (まっしろ) | pure white |
massao | (まっあお) | deep blue |
If we add the color kiiro (きいろ) yellow, to the other four, we will get a group of colors which are all i-adjectives. That means, if you want to say that something is some color you put the color after the subject. But if you say something about the colored thing, you should write the color before that thing and add i (い) after it:
くるまはあかです。The car is red.
あかいくるま。 A red car.
Other colors
Here some other colors (they follow different rules):
kon | (こん) | dark blue |
midori | (みどり) | dark green |
murasaki | (むらさき) | violet/purple |
mizuiro | (みずいろ) | light blue (misu - water) |
chairo | (ちゃいろ) | brown (cha - tea) |
haiiro | (はいいろ) | grey (hai - ash) |
nezumiiro | (ねずみいろ) | grey (nezumi - mouse) |
daidaiiro | (だいだいいろ) | orange (daidai - bitter orange) |
momoiro | (ももいろ) | pink (momo - peach) |
kin'iro | (きんいろ) | gold (kin - gold) |
gin'iro | (ぎんいろ) | silver (gin - silver) |
The rule for these colors is:
くるまはみどりです。The car is green.
みどりのくるま。 A green car.
Colors from English
The colors which came from other languages written in Katakana, but have the same rules for them like the other colors.
orenji | (オレンジ) | orange |
pinku | (ピンク) | pink |
For more Japanese colors you can visit this page.
For the expended table of colors you can visit wiki.
A game for learning the colors is here.
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