05 January, 2017


The word for animal in Japanese is doubutsu ( どうぶつ ). There are many types of animals and listing all of them in this post will be counterproductive. Therefore I decided to focus on the popular animals:

Chinese Zodiac Calendar

nezumi (ねずみ) Rat
ushi (うし) Ox
tora (とら) Tiger
usagi (うさぎ) Rabbit
tatsu (たつ) Dragon
hebi (へび) Snake
uma (うま) Horse
hitsuji (ひつじ) Sheep
saru (さる) Monkey
tori (とり) Rooster (or in the true translation: Bird)
inu (いぬ) Dog
inoshishi (いのしし) Boar

Other common animals

neko (ねこ) Cat
sakana (さかな) Fish
kitsune (きつね) Fox

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